5 keys To Be a More Sustainable Knitter in 2023

You can knit more sustainably in the new year with these 5 tips and our line of eco-friendly yarns


Quality, creativity and sustainability! If you keep these three words in mind when purchasing yarn and fabrics, we’re right there with you! The crafting community is becoming more and more interested in the sourcing of materials, something that we celebrate here at Katia. 

For years, we have developed an ECO line of sustainable, recycled and fair-trade yarns. If you are also on the path to reducing the amount of clothes you buy in favor of a handmade wardrobe, this article is for you. In this post, we share 5 keys to creating your own sustainable fashion, as well as everything about our most eco-friendly yarns.


1 | Less is more!

If you knit, crochet and sew your own clothes, congratulations! You are already part of sustainable fashion! By creating garments for yourself and your family with the best quality materials and at your own pace rather than purchasing them from questionable companies, you contribute to reducing the amount of clothing that ends up in landfills. 

Choose a capsule wardrobe where quality takes precedence over quantity. Follow the slow fashion philosophy to make special, versatile and long-lasting accessories and garments. Enjoy slowly working through our Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter patterns this year, or consider our Premium Concept Patterns and premium range of yarns

Feel the satisfaction of opening your closet doors or drawers and choosing which of your own creations to wear today! 



2 | Customization is key

Trends are temporary but your personality is permanent. Sewing, crocheting and knitting your own clothes gives you the freedom to create your own designs… designs that far exceed what fast fashion has to offer. 

You have the power to modify a pattern to suit your tastes, the power also to choose the yarn you prefer or your favorite color combination. Without a doubt, if you want to wear original and exclusive garments, customization is your friend. 

Release your creative soul, empower your spirit, bring your creations to life! Find inspiration from well-known designers from our community and their designs available at katia.com. 



3 | Sustainable yarns

At Katia, we understand that makers want better eco-friendly and sustainable yarn options. That’s why every season we expand our ECO line with new environmentally friendly yarns. We also want you to have access to all the information that will allow you to make the best decisions as a consumer of yarns and fabrics. 

Discover products that include official certificates among the label symbols : Fair Cotton, EKOS, Re-Tape, Macramé Cord, Big Ribbon, Concept Cotton Cashmere… these are just some of our sustainable yarns made with recycled materials and organic cotton.


4 |Mend and update

If you can knit, crochet and sew garments, the art of mending and updating holds no mystery for you. 

Lengthen the lifespan of your garments and accessories with repairs, recycle damaged garments or easily update old-fashioned designs. 

If you need some ideas, we’ve got you! Try updating a plain sweater with colorwork embroidery. Add pockets, lapels or cuffs to old sweaters and jackets in a contrast color or with a different textured yarn. If your favorite sweater has a hole, get your tapestry needle and some pretty threads. Play with textures and volumes to transform that damage into a new design!

Check out this video on giving new life to an old sweater and this one that teaches embroidered jacquard.


5 | Upcycle

If you follow Katia’s blog it is because you are a creative and practical crafter. You know textile techniques and how to use different materials to turn old or damaged projects into new ideas. 

Give your handmade creations a second life! Find thousands of inspiring ideas on Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube. Do you have lots of waste yarn and are looking for ways to use it up? Here are some simple video tutorials for projects you can easily do with the youngest members of the family. 

Without a doubt, crafting is the most fun way to teach them to love handmade things. You just need some waste yarn and fabric scraps!

Decorate garments with pompoms.

Make yarn feathers.

Make a rug.

Make a yarn tapestry.


We hope that these 5 ideas encourage you to explore creating your own sustainable fashions and projects. At Katia, we’re thankful to you for knitting, crocheting and sewing with us, and for choosing our eco-friendly yarns to do so. Thanks to your choices as a conscientious maker, we can move towards more sustainable consumption and a more environmentally friendly production! Explore our free patterns and make them your own!

