How to sew an Easter Bunny Egg bag - FREE VIDEO TUTORIAL

Craft a magical bunny-themed carrier for this year's egg hunt with our easy-to-follow guide


This Easter, let's embrace the joy of the season with a unique twist on the classic egg hunt. Unleash your creativity by creating a delightful egg bag that reflects the spirit of Easter with vibrant patterns and custom fabrics from our exclusive collection. This year, we're stepping away from the conventional basket and introducing a charming fabric egg storage bag that's not only functional but also one-of-a-kind. This DIY project is perfect for families looking to add a personal touch to their Easter celebrations, allowing children to get involved in hand-sewing with a bit of adult guidance.

easter bag tutorial


Make Your Own Easter Egg Bag

Imagine your little ones prancing around with adorable bunny-eared egg bags, crafted from the softest 100% cotton poplin, featuring designs from our "Into the Pond" collection and complemented by the gentle touch of the Muslin fabric. These bags are not just for carrying eggs; they're a statement of Easter joy, designed to be worn and cherished during your at-home egg hunts. 

We encourage you to dive into creativity with us. Let's select vibrant and playful fabrics that bring out the essence of Easter. Follow our simple guide to transform these fabrics into not only bunny bags but also into bags with floral, magical, and decorative motifs, each with their own character. Personalize these creations with painted or embroidered features, adding a whimsical to your Easter creations.

Below, we'll walk you through the essentials for this project, including our collection for the perfect fabric pairings. This Easter, let's create memories and traditions with a handmade, heartfelt touch.

easter bag closeup



  • Poplin fabric 100%

  • Backpack rope or tape (70 cm)

  • Sewing Pattern

  • Felt



  • Scissors

  • Pencil

  • Thread, needle, and thimble

  • Pins


Step by step Easter bag

easter bag fabrics


  • The first thing you need to do is cut the pattern.

  • Sew the ears right against right, turn and glue the felt inside. Iron.

  • Place the ears on the right side of the outer fabric, centred and separated by about 5 cm. Sew the lining. Do the same with the other side.

  • Open, iron and face lining and exterior rights. Sew everything but the tape openings, the hem of the lining and the 4 corners.

  • Make the corners, as we show you in the video.

  • Turn around. Put on the tape and close the lining opening.

Whether it's embarking on an exciting egg hunt, being filled to the brim with delicious sweets, or serving as a stylish companion on a springtime walk, this bag is versatile. We're eager to see your creative takes on these ideas! Share your unique creations with us by using the hashtags #katiafabrics. Let's fill this Easter with handmade joy and shared inspirations.


Looking for more Easter craft inspiration? 

Get inspired with these Easter patterns and tutorials. Dive into our collection of tutorials featuring adorable fabric chickens and easy-to-make bunny backpack. These projects are sure to add a personalized touch to your Easter celebrations.