Benefits of Sewing

Discover the positive effects of this wonderful hobby and how it can benefit your health and wellbeing


5 Health Benefits of Sewing

For centuries our mothers and grandmothers have embraced sewing as a hobby that brings joy and relaxation as well as a practical craft. Now we’re digging deeper and seeing that the simple act of sewing has many proven health benefits, encompassing psychological, physical, and emotional aspects.

The activities we take part in have the capacity to impact us in ways that may not be instant, outwardly visible, or expected, but that are incredibly positive… Sewing is most definitely one of these pastimes. Let’s see why sewing should be in your list of hobbies, with these top 5 benefits!

What are the benefits of sewing for your health?

1. Stimulates creative thinking (and grows the mind!)

The activity of physically making something unlocks your artistic side and this, in turn, stimulates a more creative approach to tasks in general. This helps greatly with your problem-solving skills and improves your ability to come up with solutions in other parts of your life that ordinarily you wouldn’t have. Also, exercising the kind of creative thinking required for sewing sharpens your mind, develops new areas of knowledge, and actually boosts the growth of new brain cells.

2. Improves motor skills and hand-eye-coordination

Sewing is an activity with particular manual movements that require your muscles, specifically in your hands and fingers, to work in total harmony with your brain. Doing this regularly means you greatly improve your hand-eye-coordination. As well as this, the level of precision and attention to detail that’s involved in sewing also helps the fine tuning of your motor skills. Such an enhancement of physical-cognitive abilities is really beneficial across numerous activities outside of sewing.

3. Reduces stress and encourages mindfulness (and makes you happier!)

When sewing your mind is focused in one place, in one moment: the present. This means you’re less likely to focus on other things that may be causing you stress and less likely to be engaging with technology (which we all need a break from). Your mind is calmer, levels of anxiety are lower, and you’re able to unwind. The act of sewing is also a very meditative one, further helping you to be immersed in the now. This cognitive state of being absorbed in a peaceful activity is also referred to as the ‘flow’ by psychologists who say it’s one of the secrets to happiness. Not to mention that taking time to do something for yourself that you enjoy, especially creative and crafty activities, promotes an increase of dopamine in the brain which is known as one of the ‘happy hormones’.

4. Creates social connections

Although sewing can be a solitary hobby, it can also be a great way to bond with people. So many people across the world enjoy sewing and a lot of them share their ideas, experiences, and tips online and this is one way you can connect with likeminded people. On a more local level too, you won’t have to look very hard to find groups and workshops that you can join where you can foster social relationships. Also, of course, you can teach the people around you – this is a wonderful way to bond with others and invite them to enjoy sewing along with you.

5. Boosts self-esteem and sense of fulfillment

How great is that feeling you get when you’ve made something with your own hands? You’re witnessing how your effort, skill, and vision have come together to accomplish what you’ve put your mind to. Sewing projects have tons of these satisfying moments. While working on a project, no matter how big or small – from repairing a piece of clothing to creating one from scratch – you can see it develop as a credit to you, and this is invaluable for your self-esteem. Over time you also see how you’ve improved and the new skills you’ve learned which gives you all kinds of reasons to be proud of yourself.

5 Health Benefits of Sewing


The best thing? Anyone can experience the health benefits of sewing; beginners, professionals, young, old, and everything in between. 

Are you ready to appreciate the joys of sewing? Look through our Katia fabrics and kick start your next project!